Special Services


St. John’s Services

Here at St. John’s we have three distinct worship services. Our Awaken service Wednesday at 6:30 is described above and two services on Sunday – the 8:30 service is a simple, informal service that is focused on prayer and on the
Word of God read and taught. This service features an intimate feeling and is preceded and followed by time for fellowship. Our 10:30 is a more traditional service, featuring our organ and choir in addition to time for prayer
and a chance to hear an inspiring sermon from our pastor. This service features time for fellowship after the service. Both services offer Communion once a month. Which service is right for you? The only way to
find out is to come out and try them yourself!


Join us for worship at 8:15 or 10:30 am!


Join us for our evening service on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

Special Services

Communion Sundays

When Christians celebrate the sacrament of Communion we are reminded of the price Jesus Christ was willing to pay to restore humanity’s full relationship to God, and of our need to have our individual relationships with God restored
as well. The celebration of Communion also provides us with the opportunity to consider not only our relationship with God, but our relationships with others as well. Here at St. John’s we celebrate Communion just about
once a month, according to the following schedule:

September Rally Sunday

November All Saint’s Sunday

December 24, Christmas Eve

February Transfiguration Sunday

April Easter

June 1st Sunday in June

August 1st Sunday in August

October World Communion Sunday

December 1st Sunday in Advent

January Epiphany Sunday

March Maundy Thursday

May Pentecost

July 1st Sunday in July

Since we believe that the Communion table is the table of Jesus Christ every celebration of Communion at St. John’s is open to everyone who wants to participate, regardless or anyone’s current or former church membership, or complete
lack of church membership altogether—everyone is welcome!

Other Special Services

In addition to gathering for worship every Sunday, St. John’s also celebrates a number of special services during the year. We will have special services on Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve, on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and
Good Friday.

Thanksgiving Eve: Before the family, the football, the turkey, and the pumpkin pie, its good to take some time to remember that, as great as all those things are, they’re really not what Thanksgiving is all about. On Thanksgiving
Eve (which is Wednesday, November 22nd, by the way) we gather to remember all the many blessings that God has given us, as people and as a community, over the past year, to offer our gratitude, and to ask God to be with us in the
future as He has been in the past.

Christmas Eve: Christmas is kind of like Thanksgiving, only more so—so busy, so much to do, so little time to do it! But before Santa, the tree and the presents, it’s important to pause and remember that Jesus really is, as they
say, the reason for the season, and that the gift that God has given us in Jesus really is the best Christmas present ever!

Ash Wednesday: Since the beginning of the seventh century Christians have observed Ash Wednesday both as a day to consider our human frailty and mortality and also as the beginning of Lent, the forty-day time of spiritual preparation
for Easter. Here as St. John’s we keep Ash Wednesday (coming up on February 14th) with a special evening worship service.

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service: The first day of the historical Easter Triduum, the final three days before Easter and the most solemn days of the Christian year, Maundy Thursday is the day when Christian around the world remember
Jesus Last Supper with his disciples; his new mondatum, or commandment, to his disciples that they should love one another as he has loved them; and his institution of the sacrament of Holy Communion. At St. John’s we observe
the day with a special potluck supper followed by a special Communion service.

Good Friday: The holiest day of the Christian year, because for Christians it is the day that commemorates the central event of human history: the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the event through which humanity and all of
Creation has been reconciled to God. To observe the day we gather for a special evening worship service here at St. John’s.    

Prayer Services:  In addition to the special services mentioned above, and because we believe that that prayer is central to the life and mission of the church we also gather for special evening prayer services on the first
Wednesday evening of every month, beginning at 6:45 pm. During these services we hear readings from the Bible, sing songs of faith and hope, and take time to pray for our church, our community, our world, and ourselves and others.